The Air Force Honorary Commanders (H/CC) Program pairs local civic leaders with military commanders to improve relationships between the installation and the surrounding community.
The program's goals include:
- Increasing public awareness: of the armed forces
- Building understanding: on both sides
- Helping service members get involved in the community
- Promoting a free exchange of ideas: between base and community leaders
The program began in 2006 and participants can include: Elected city officials, Medical doctors, Pastors and judges, Business directors and presidents, and Retired military personnel.
Honorary commanders may be invited to attend socials, changes of command, and other base wide events. They may also have opportunities to visit the base, learn about the mission, and participate in base functions.
Honorary commanders can resign or be dropped from the program at any time.
The 911th Airlift Wing and the 171st Air Refueling Wing took a significant step in fortifying community-military ties by re-launching the emerging Steel City Honorary Commanders Association under the authority of the wing commanders Col. Douglas Stouffer, 911th AW/CC and Col. Raymond L. Hyland Jr, 171st ARW/CC.
For more information about the 911th Honorary Commanders, visit the 911th AW public webpage.